Workshop "European Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability"

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On March 24,2022, the Bulgarian Chamber of Chemical Industry held a webinar on the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. The EU “Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability” (CSS) was adopted in October 2020 to provide a new long-term vision for chemicals policy in line with the objectives of the EU Green Pact. Cefic commissioned the independent economic research consultancy Ricardo Energy & Environment to carry out an economic analysis of the impact of the Strategy on the EU chemical industry.

The analysis Phase 1 report, published on 2 December 2021, presents the results of the impact of various options of changes in the CLP Regulation and the implementation of the GRA, which have the most significant impact on industry.

The workshop focuses on:

  1. "Economic Analysis of the Impacts of the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS)" - speaker Blanca Serrano, Product Stewardship Director, Cefic;
  2. "The Revision of REACH and CLP Regulations - Scope and Challenges" - speaker Parvoleta Luleva, EnviProAdvice Ltd.
