Workshop "Green Deal for the Chemical Industry, Legislation"

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On October 27 this year the Bulgarian Chamber of Chemical Industry organized a workshop "Green Deal for the Chemical Industry, Legislation".

The workshop is related to the Green Deal  - a set of policies proposed by the European Commission that should make Europe climate neutral by 2050 and is a continuation of a series of workshops on responsible chemical industry in Bulgaria, on EU plans for the Green Deal and the Climate (Carbon) Neutral Economy, which we started last fall.

The workshop focused on:

  • the circular economy and in particular the industrial symbiosis (use of waste from certain industries as a resource for others) - opportunities for recovery, available good practices on international level and in Bulgaria;
  • the way to create carbon-neutral products, reduction of the overall environmental impact through emission inventories, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), TCFD, etc .;
  • reporting and work in the National Waste Information System (NISO).

The interest to the workshop was very high. Representatives of chemical companies as well as from other sectors - metallurgy, cement production, consulting and logistics companies, employers' organizations attended the event.

The workshop was held in Sofia, Hotel Forum, 41 Tsar Boris III Blvd., Central Hall as well as online through the internet-based platform for conference meetings

