Investment in Svilosa AD

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On 31.08.2023, in Sviloza AD, the city of Svishtov, the ceremonial opening of the "Installation for the utilization of waste biomass for the production of thermal and electrical energy" - Bio-CHP took place.

The facility was designed and manufactured by the Chinese company Jinan Boiler Group, and is worth BGN 70 million, of which more than 50% is Svilosa AD's own funds.

The new power has a capacity of 65 tons of steam and 16 MW of electricity per hour, which will be realized for the needs of pulp production and for sale on the free market. An advanced combustion technology called "circulating fluidized bed" will be used. It provides an opportunity for more complete combustion of the used fuel and reduction of harmful greenhouse gases. As a result, emission parameters corresponding to the best European practices will be achieved. The plant will produce nearly 1 million MWh of thermal energy and 110 thousand MWh of electrical energy on an annual basis. In this way, in practice, more than 400,000 tons/year of CO2 will be saved. The BioTPP was built in accordance with the technical standards for environmental protection, as well as with the provisions of the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria and the European Union. The newly created jobs are about 50, and the training of the staff is entrusted to Jinan Boiler Group.

The installation will utilize more than 120,000 t/y of waste biomass in the form of bark, obtained as waste during the production of cellulose at Svilocel EAD. Additionally, the plant will be powered by sewage sludge, forestry waste, agricultural waste and other waste biomass, which the company will purchase from external suppliers.

By implementing this project, the company becomes a final energy-independent enterprise with the ability to meet its needs for electricity and heat
