Chemical industry transition pathway

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Despite all the difficulties, the chemical industry continues to support the goals of the European Green Pact and remains on its trajectory to become climate neutral by 2050. To help serve this, the European Commission has just published a transition path for the chemical industry in the EU. This is a unique achievement, since the chemical industry is the only energy-intensive industry so far that has a special path like this.

This path to transition outlines nearly 200 actions that must be taken in order to succeed in the “twin twin transition” we face: to become climate neutral, to digitize our processes, to make our production resourceful Effectively and circularly and to increase the number of safe and sustainable chemicals by 2050 g.

In other words, our industry still needs to change "how" it produces and "what it produces" after at least 30 years. For everyone working in the chemical industry, it is clear: the change needed is unprecedented and requires tens of millions of investments.

There is no time to lose, because by 2050. Less than 30 years left. Let us continue our journey of transformation together.

For more information on the Transition-Pathway website

