European Union directive for adequate minimum wages

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In the majority of Member States, the adequacy of minimum wage is insufficient and/or there are gaps in the coverage of minimum wage protection.

In light of this, the European Commission adopted a proposal for a Directive on adequate minimum wages on 28 October 2020. The proposal seeks to establish a framework to improve the adequacy of minimum wages and to increase the access of workers to minimum wage protection.

The aim is to create a legal framework that guarantees access to a minimum adequate wage for all citizens of the Union. According to the Commission, it aims to ensure that all workers in the Union are protected "by a fair minimum wage allowing for a decent living wherever they work".

ssAccording to the Commission, it aims to ensure that all workers in the Union are protected "by a fair minimum wage allowing for a decent living wherever they work".

According to the Commission, it aims to ensure that all workers in the Union are protected "by a fair minimum wage allowing for a decent living wherever they work".

According to the Commission, it aims to ensure that all workers in the Union are protected "by a fair minimum wage allowing for a decent living wherever they work".

According to the Commission, it aims to ensure that all workers in the Union are protected "by a fair minimum wage allowing for a decent living wherever they work".

According to the Commission, it aims to ensure that all workers in the Union are protected "by a fair minimum wage allowing for a decent living wherever they work".

According to the Commission, it aims to ensure that all workers in the Union are protected "by a fair minimum wage allowing for a decent living wherever they work".ДДДирективата няма да задължава страните да въвеждат минимална заплата, нито ще определя нивото ѝ в различните държави членки. Част от държавите в ЕС определят минималното възнаграждение чрез колективни трудови договори, а други - чрез закон. ЕК иска да насърчи колективното договаряне във всички страни от ЕС. Копирано от
